What is an Opportunity?

An opportunity is a sales prospect that brings the possibility of sales of a product or service. Opportunity is a crucial stage between identifying potential leads and closing a deal. Opportunity management helps in tracking and managing sales opportunities in CRM. It allows you to get more control over your sales process by bringing all the necessary information together in a single place.

Why do you Need Opportunity Management Software?

Opportunities are precious to your business, and they can boost your sales and revenue if handled the right way. Opportunity management software helps in tracking sales in real-time and focuses your efforts on opportunities with the potential of converting to paying customers. With opportunity management, you can:

  • Track and manage potential buyers and their requirements
  • Eliminate risks at the initial stage of the sales pipeline
  • Monitor progress of a lead in real-time
  • Get a 360-degree view of all interactions and activities associated to a particular opportunity.
  • Build better customer relationships at different stages of the sales pipeline
  • Develop robust business proposal strategies for effective deal closure

Benefits of Using an Opportunity Management Software


Boost Sales Productivity:

Opportunity management software enhances the team collaboration and selling process, making it easy for you to streamline your sales cycle.


Get Real-time Visibility:

Real-time visibility into your pipeline and revenue forecasts allows you to predict your sales efforts.


Superb Account Management:

It helps in designing a holistic view of accounts, their contact information, and other related activities in one place.


Enhanced Opportunity Insights:

The software allows you to prioritize opportunities that are crucial for your business.


Access to Vital Customer Info:

It works as a centralized place for information where you can easily access valuable data anytime, and anywhere.


Fast Turnaround Time:

With opportunity management software, sales reps can follow up with the opportunities and respond to their queries much faster.


Enhance Your Customer Relationships:

The software offers a 360-degree view of customer interactions, activities, sales, financial transactions, and support cases for enhanced customer relationships.

Maximize on Opportunities and Close More Deals with Tutterfly CRM Capture, track & close all your sales deals and opportunities with Tutterfly

Tutterfly CRM offers effective opportunity management features that streamline your sales processes, eliminate redundancy, reduce manual data entry tasks, and boost sales.

Get a Comprehensive View of All Your Deals

With Tutterfly CRM, you get a centralized view of all your key deals. Once you qualify prospects and move the deals further down the pipeline, you can track the expected revenue after closure and prioritize your attention to specific leads.

Create Opportunities with Ease

Avoid duplication of data and auto-capture your opportunities associated with a single account regardless of their different sources, including API integrations and manual bulk upload. The automated lead capturing and rapid contact upload allows for smooth opportunity handling.

Ensure High Team Productivity with Smart Filters

Tutterfly CRM opportunity management software offers you advanced filter options to find specific opportunities. It allows the sales reps to prioritize opportunities and focus on important tasks and deals. With a clear view of follow-ups, tasks, and prospect interactions, teams can take necessary actions for effective deal closure.

Enhance Team Collaborations

Improve your team collaborations and increase transparency in workflow across departments with the Tutterfly CRM opportunity management system. It allows you to unify all the client interactions in one place that can be shared and accessed by anyone in your team. It allows you to coordinate all sales activities among team members and share progress.

Track, Engage and Convert Opportunities into Sales with Tutterfly CRM

Get Started Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Opportunity management is the process of overseeing and organizing potential leads that move down the sales funnel. The process of opportunity management involves tracking potential prospects for faster deal closure.
Here are some of the advantages of opportunity management-
  • Opportunity management makes it easy for the sales reps to take the right steps to close a deal.
  • The process offers a better view of the sales pipeline.
  • Opportunity management helps in keeping the deals moving in the sales funnel.
Opportunity management is crucial for day-to-day business activities. It helps businesses in being more efficient with their sales and allows them to get a better understanding of their customers. This, in turn, helps in prioritizing customer interactions based on their potential.