How to Convert a Lead?

Learn about converting leads to ‘Accounts’ and ‘Contacts’ by reading the steps below:

Step 1: Click on the name of the leads listed in the ‘Leads’ tab. This will display a page with details regarding the Lead.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Convert’ button.

Step 3: From the ‘Convert Lead’ box, choose the appropriate option and fill in the rest of the details.

Create New: Type in the name of the new account.
Choose Existing: From the drop-down box, select a pre-existing account name.

Step 4: If you choose ‘Create New’ a new “Account Name” box will appear. What you type will be added as a new Account in TutterflyCRM. A new Contact record gets created with the first name and last name entered in “Contact” section.


Step 5: If you select “Choose Existing”, a drop-down box will appear. Select one from the list.

Step 6: Fill in the contact information as well.

Step 7: A new contact will be created for the contact as mentioned below.



Step 8: Congratulations! You are one step away from finishing this off! Now, click on the ‘Convert’ button.

Step 9: Finally! this is the last step. A message box will appear indicating that your Lead has been successfully converted.